Adb, android debug bridge, is a command-line utility included with google’s android sdk. adb can control your device over usb from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more.. Adb atau android debug bridge adalah tools resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh google untuk pengoperasian sistem android dari komputer melalui command line yang telah disediakan oleh google. jika anda pernah melakukan flashing atau rooting atau unlocking bootloader pasti anda mengenal istilah adb tersebut. adb shell <command you want> (example: adb. Fedora/suse-based linux users can type the following command to install adb: sudo yum install android-tools just to cover all of our bases here, linux users may need to put a ./ in front of the.
Adb shell setprop how to use adb shell commands on windows find adb.exe on your <android sdk>/platform-tools folders or download adb kits (adb.exe, adbwinapi.dll, adbwinusbapi.dll). $ adb shell shell@ $ screencap /sdcard/screen.png shell@ $ exit $ adb pull /sdcard/screen.png recording a device screen the screenrecord command is a shell utility for recording the display of devices running android 4.4 (api level 19) and higher..